With the rise in global warming and the impact of carbon emissions posing a threat to the world, there is a collective aim to utilize cleaner energy alternatives. BBP is currently underway in researching and implementing sustainable supply in the downstream oil & gas chain.
Our Strategy & Vision for a Sustainable future aims on:
"Reducing Carbon Emissions"
"Diversifying into Low-Carbon Energy"
Sustainable Aviation Fuel (SAF) is a sustainable alternative to the regular Jet Fuels. Made from renewable biomass and waste resources SAF is a biofuel that has the potential to deliver the performance of petroleum-based jet fuel but with a fraction of its carbon footprint. SAF gives reductions in CO2 emissions of up to 80% over the lifecycle of the fuel compared to traditional Jet Fuel, giving the aviation industry solid footing for drastically lowering Greenhouse Gas (GHG) emissions from flight.
SAF is currently more costly than traditional jet fuel due to a combination of the current availability of sustainable feedstock and the continuing development of new production technologies. As the technology matures it will become more efficient and in turn less costly.
According to IATA, as of the time of writing, more than 300,000 flights have flown using blended Sustainable Aviation Fuel (SAF).
BBP aims to supply cost-efficient, renewable SAF to the growing global aviation industry by 2025.

Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) is the transition fuel of choice for marine stakeholders as the world moves towards net-zero emissions. Natural gas is abundant, produces lower carbon emissions when burned and is a more affordable alternative to other popular fuels to provide heating for industrial, commercial and residential customers around the world.
The International Maritime Organization (IMO), has taken steps to diversify the industry away from HFO, into cleaner fuels with less harmful effects on the environment and human health. Unlike conventional fuels such as HFO used in marine shipping, LNG produces 15–29% less CO2, less sulphur oxides, particulate matter and nitrogen oxide. By 2030, 10% of the global shipping fleet will be powered by LNG.
Since 2010 the number of vessels fuelled by LNG has grown consistently by between 20% and 40% per annum. Currently there are 251 LNG-fueled vessels in operation, and 403 more on order.
Bio-LNG (also known as Liquefied Biomethane (LBM) / Liquefied Biogas (LBG), is a biofuel made by processing organic waste flows, such as organic household and industrial waste, manure, and sewage sludge. Well-to-wheel, the GHG emissions balance of bio-LNG can be even negative.
Biodiesel is a clean burning renewable fuel made using natural vegetable oils and fats used as diesel replacement in existing diesel engines without modification
Reduces lifecycle greenhouse gases by 86 percent
Lowers particulate matter by 47 percent, reduces smog and makes our air healthier to breathe
Reduces hydrocarbon emissions by 67 percent
For every unit of fossil energy it takes to produce biodiesel, 3.5 units of renewable energy are returned
Blends of bio-Diesel:
100% biodiesel is referred to as B100
20% biodiesel, 80% petrodiesel is labeled B20
7% biodiesel, 93% petrodiesel is labeled B7
5% biodiesel, 95% petrodiesel is labeled B5
2% biodiesel, 98% petrodiesel is labeled B2